I only had one day at Comicpalooza and my goal was to make the most of the day.
First before I get into my story let me give you a fun fact. I drove to Houston late Friday night, upon my arrival I learned that JMM won a very very nifty autograph from partaking in the Marvel marathon. Talk about a pretty stellar surprise.
An authentic Scarlet as the Black Widow autograph!
One Avenger down.
After this weekend I would be the proud owner of two Avenger's signed posters. Not bad huh?
First things I learned from Comicpalooza.
Quidditch is a college sport.... not even kidding. Please google. I felt like my nerd card should have been ripped away from me, Harry Potter was one of my first fandoms how I did not know this...
Exhibitor badges are AWESOME!
Jeremy Renner has legitimately beautiful eyes.
John Schneider is pretty damn tall.
There is a distinct generational gap at con... one I never really noticed until I took a 13 year old to con and sent my mother a text about John Schneider.
My priority at this con was to meet Renner, I have a slight nerdy crush over the man so I was pretty excited... and nervous about meeting him.
So I figured bringing a fearless 13 year old would keep me in check for when I met him and I would totally keep it together to save face in front of her...
Yeah that was poorly planned. . .
We grabbed our tickets so we could get in line for Jeremy Renner. (side note I love when they hand out tickets for autographs, it is a way to prove I was there, especially since I was not paying $160 for the photo op)

I was pretty damn excited, I know it is silly to get excited about celebs but I am a nerd, I can't help it.
We lined up, but the signing was postponed until 1:15 so I took Sara around to the different artists to look at their artwork and we walked around to see what other celebs were there. I didn't really know because my focus was all about Renner.
So after some time it was time to get back in line and wait. I was pretty nervous. Sure I have met a lot of celebs, but not one that I think is well ummm hot... so I was nervous but I was trying to play it cool in front of Sara.
Then Renner walks by... and oh my goodness Sara is suddenly star struck. Very very star struck.
Yep the fearless girl I brought to keep me together is star struck.
She starts saying OMG OMG OMG over and over... to the point the lady in front of me gets nervous and the group behind me gets nervous... then the next thing I know we are all one big nervous ball of energy.
Yeah, cause that is what I needed, nervous energy before I meet Renner.
flipping fantastic.
Well finally it is time to go up and meet the guy, I figured I would let Sara go first.
She was shaking and so nervous so before she gets up there... so quickly I remind her...
"He poops like you" except I said the S word instead of poop... at this point I would say and do anything to calm her down. Granted I wasn't nervous anymore so there is that but she had enough nervous energy for both of us and my focus was calming her down.
She laughs and walks over to him. She says hi, he signs the poster and she does a total about face and runs off... and leaves me there to meet the man alone.
I couldn't help it I just busted out laughing, I am laughing so hard Jeremy starts laughing (pretty sure he thought I was a lunatic) I shake my head and apologize then explain she was so nervous that she had me all worked off and then left me to fend for myself.
He started laughing (this is when I noticed his eyes were like whoa), signed my poster and called me darling.
I thanked him and I am pretty sure I sighed. Actually I know I sighed, I was totally swooning...
I am also 99.99% positive he called all the ladies darling, but I am going to pretend it was just me.

So two Avengers down, like Ultron I am coming for the rest ;) or maybe it's Thanos now... hmmm
Either way I still have avengers to meet... like Evans. I think I can meet him now, I held myself together for Renner. :)
So after the excitement of meeting Renner was over it was time to meet a few more celebs, before it was time to head out.
Sadly I didn't make any panels :(
I didn't realize that Rick Howland & Emmanuelle Vaugier were both there and I was pretty disappointed I couldn't find a Lost Girl poster to get them to sign, so I just used their head shots. It was so fun talking the show with them, and just boosted my excitement for Dallas Con the following weekend.

Then I got to meet Richard Harmon who I had no clue who he was but Sara did... he was interesting & a TON of fun to meet, plus he gives one heck of a hug. I have watched The 100, I just didn't realize that was him. That is why I love con, well one of the reasons.

Then I met John Schneider.

Funny story, I did not realize he was Bo in Dukes of Hazzard... when I sent my mom a text all excited I met Jonathan Kent from Smallville, she was like he was famous for playing Bo first....
So there you have it people con brings people of multiple generations together... another reason to love con.
I had such a great Saturday at con, I really wish I could have spent more time there, but this weekend was just too busy!
How was your comicpalooza experience?
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